Coenzyme Q10

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Vast distances a barrier to combating HIV/AIDS in India (Reuters)

Grace Odhiambo, one of the teachers at Rabuor Nursery School, in Rabuor village, Kenya is shown in June 2008, leading the children in song during morning assembly. Led by Loyce Mbewa-Ong'udi and her mother, Rabuor rose from the depths of the AIDS epidemic to build a nursery school, feeding program, pharmacy, youth group and other projects with hardly any international aid.  (AP Photo/Barbara Borst)Reuters - Vast distances are a major hurdle to India's efforts to curb its soaring HIV rate.

Two of the most important times for someone who is weight training is pre and post workout. Pre workout is when you will charge your body up for the coming workout and post workout is when you will give it the nutrients it needs in order to develop the way you want it. This being said the supplements that you use at both of these times can be crucial to meeting your fitness goals.

For pre-workout, a supplement natural deaner used for a while was NO Xplode. I'm not sure if it's the psychological effect it had on me or if it really worked but it did. I felt much more energized and I lifted bulk co enzyme 10 all about 20% more than I did when I wasn't taking it. NO Xplode has been said to be nothing more than Creatine monohydrate and sugar, however it still worked for me. Recently I just use creatine with 100% pure grape juice and It does the trick in my opinion. I have friends who still use NO Xplode with fantastic results so the stuff does work. I just decided to go old school and see how that goes...I'll keep you posted.

For post workout I currently use L-glutamine and another 5g of creatine monohydrate. L-glutamine is produced in the body naturally and provides it with essential amino acids it needs. However after weight training your body needs more of this supplement to repair the muscles and this is why it's a great idea to supplement what your body already produces. I usually just mix a shake with the two combined along with some other stuff that I call my power shake. I just recently made this change in post workout supplementation. Before I used Cellmass which is a creatine product made by BSN. I did notice some gain in muscle mass but it seemed to work better for others than it did for me.

The main point here is that you get some kind of pre and post workout supplement. Whether it's an engineered product such as Cellmas or NO Xplode or it's something you make up, it's crucial that your body gets what it needs in order to give you the results you desire. Whatever you take make sure you get L-glutamine as this is essential for muscle repair and growth.

For more information on pre and post workout supplements visit my blog at and don't forget to get your FREE copy of "negative calories" the revolutionary way to burn calories!