More Than Temperature Puts Elderly at Risk in Heat (HealthDay)
I have been hearing a lot about the super foods super power of the Acai berries. So yesterday I bought some crushed frozen berries to add to my list of healthy smoothie recipes. These are absolutely delicious. This morning my smoothie consisted of acai berries, blueberries, strawberries, bee pollen, raw chocolate, and honey.
Dr Perricone, one of the top anti aging doctors in the world claims that Acai (pronounced A-sigh-ee) is one of the most perfect foods in the world.
Along with raw chocolate and Tibet authentic goji berries, these have the highest amount of antioxidants in the world. Acai berries have 10 times the antioxidant level of grapes and twice that of blueberries. It is on the top of the list of alkaline foods.
Acai berries also have high levels of
- Healthy Fats Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9.
- Fiber
- Amino Acids and Protein
- Plant Sterols
- Vitamins and Minerals In fact, they have all of the vital vitamins. In addition, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc are all found in Acai.
Acai berries have the super foods power to:
- Boosts energy levels
- Improves digestive function
- Improves mental clarity/focus
- Promotes sound sleep
- Cleanses and Detoxifies the body, use in recipes for a detox diet
- Strengthens the immune system
- Enhances sexual desire and performance
- Fights cancerous cells
- Slows down the aging process
- Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin
- Alleviates diabetes
- Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels
- Helps maintain healthy heart function
- Minimizes inflammation
- Improves circulation
- Prevents artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
- Enhances visual acuity
- Is one of the great stress relievers
Some of the purchase methyl sulfonyl methane that people who regular consume Acai berries super foods are:
- Relief from arthritis pain
- Fewer skin of warts
- Reduces the occurrence of stress causing seizures
- More balanced, stable blood sugar levels
- Less general depression
- Fewer mini strokes
DefyAgeNaturally with Super Foods
Sheryl Walters is an experienced holistic health expert.
Her blog combines the world's most up to date scientific research on how to stay young naturally in both mind and body with a heartfelt, personal touch. When we have the right information and take some dedicated action, we can be in charge of our health and our aging process.